On Friday, most of our school parliament members went to Exeter Foodbank to donate all the food Montgomery had collected.
Amazingly, and with your support they were able to donate an incredible 85kg of food!
Once we arrived, it was clear we were going to have to work hard. There is a lot of organising that goes on at Foodbank! The children were able to volunteer to help weigh and sort the donations they had collected.
One part of the trip that really stuck out for our school parliament, was when Foodbank Manager, Mark Richardson, asked them to help bag the food for an elderly gentleman, who needed their help. The children were so excited to be able to help their local community!
After all their hard work and a few questions, there was even time for an ice-cream.
On behalf of our School parliament we want to say a HUGE thank you for your continued support, which allows these memories to be made!
A few photos from our trip
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