Montgomery is, and always aims to be, an inclusive school that adapts to the needs of all children. We strive to provide the best possible opportunities and outcomes for the children in our community; all of our hard-working staff make it their job to get to know our children and their families as individuals.
As the SENCo, I am here to support SEN pupils and their families throughout their time at Montgomery. I am passionate about the role of SENCo and work collaboratively with all staff members, a range of specialists and families to support children. I am able to give information and advice around available support, referral processes and the identification of need process.
Our SEND Information Report (linked below) contains the following information relating to children with special educational needs.
If you believe your child needs extra help and would like to discuss this with school, you can speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Usually teachers are happy to speak to parents at the end of the day but due to COVID at present we are not having face to face meetings. You may wish to arrange a telephone call or email in the first instance. You may wish to discuss your concerns with the school SENCO, Emily Elliott, who can be contacted on 01392 285240 or by email and would be happy to discuss your child’s needs and suggest next steps.
Devon Information Advice and Support (DIAS) provide general advice and support on many aspects of education of children with SEN and disabilities and can be of particular help at times of transition from primary to secondary school.
The support provided by Devon Local Authority for children with SEN and disabilities can be found in
Teachers and the SENCO can direct parents to other organisations and services that can provide additional support for SEN.
In respect of the Code of Practice (CoP) for SEN, the local authority has a duty to publish arrangements for SEN support in schools. This is called the Local Offer and includes information about the provision that can be expected for children and young people 0-25 with SEN across education, health and social care. Use the link below to find out about the Devon local Offer.
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