Montgomery Primary School Exeter
Email  Telephone 01392 285240

School Performance

2024 Key stage 2 data

Subject School % National Average % GDS % Variance to National Average
Reading 79% 74% 30% 5% above national
Writing 57% 72% 2% 15% below national
Maths 71% 73% 25% In line with national
GPS 63% 72% 20% 9% below national
Combined 54% 61% 2% Broadly in line with national

School average scaled score Reading - 106                                                    National average scaled score - 105

School average scaled score Mathematics - 104                                           National Average scaled score - 104

School average scaled score Grammar Punctuation Spelling - 103            National Average scaled score - 105

2023 Key stage 2 data

Subject School % National Average % GDS % Variance to National Average
Reading 64% 73% 31% 9% below national
Writing 66% 71% 14% 5% below national
Maths 85% 73% 26% 12% above national
SPAG 78% 72% 28% 6% above national
Combined 59% 59% 12% In line with national

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the year 2021 to 2022. They have archived data from 2018/2019 but they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

Our 2021/2022 should be celebrated!! The children really showed exactly what they could do. We were extremely proud of all of the year six children. It was also a reflection of the hard work, dedication and high quality teaching from Montgomery's teachers.

2022 Key stage 2 data – Significantly above national in all subjects

Subject School % National Average % Pupils Achieving GDS % Variance to National Average
Reading 89% 74% 26% 15% Above National Avg
Writing 74% 69% 15% 5% Above National Avg
Maths 86% 71% 24% 15% Above National Avg
GPS 83% 72% 26% 11% Above National Avg
Combined 70% 59% 7% 11% Above National Avg
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