Once registered you will be able to choose what you want to pay for and see any outstanding balances for you child(ren). Montgomery will get an automatic update of all payments that have been made within 24 hours.
- Simple to use.
- You can pay for nursery fees, school dinners, as well as school trips.
- Payments are made through SCOPAY so they are secure and reliable.
- Fully automated update of school records; no manual intervention.
- Parents can view their payment history on-line.
PLEASE NOTE: Minimum £5 per transaction
This on-line payment system is our preferred payment method and we hope that whenever possible parents will take the opportunity to use it. However, if you are unable to pay by this method cash and cheques can still be accepted at the school office.
If you would like more information, or you have not been given an on-line access code, please contact the school office.