Montgomery Primary School Exeter
Email  Telephone 01392 285240

Ofsted and School Performance

In June 2019 we received the judgement of good in all areas. Please click hereto download the full report.

Please click the links below to see our latest Ofsted report and DFE school and college performance tables.

View our school on the official Ofsted website.

View our school on the Department for Education’s school and college performance tables website.

2024 Key stage 2 data

Subject School % National Average % GDS % Variance to National Average
Reading 79% 74% 30% 5% above national
Writing 57% 72% 2% 15% below national
Maths 71% 73% 25% In line with national
GPS 63% 72% 20% 9% below national
Combined 54% 61% 2% Broadly in line with national

School average scaled score Reading - 106                                                    National average scaled score - 105

School average scaled score Mathematics - 104                                           National Average scaled score - 104

School average scaled score Grammar Punctuation Spelling - 103            National Average scaled score - 105

2023 Key stage 2 data

Subject School % National Average % GDS % Variance to National Average
Reading 64% 73% 31% 9% below national
Writing 66% 71% 14% 5% below national
Maths 85% 73% 26% 12% above national
SPAG 78% 72% 28% 6% above national
Combined 59% 59% 12% In line with national

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the year 2021 to 2022. They have archived data from 2018/2019 but they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

Our 2021/2022 should be celebrated!! The children really showed exactly what they could do. We were extremely proud of all of the year six children. It was also a reflection of the hard work, dedication and high quality teaching from Montgomery's teachers.

2022 Key stage 2 data – Significantly above national in all subjects

Subject School % National Average % Pupils Achieving GDS % Variance to National Average
Reading 89% 74% 26% 15% Above National Avg
Writing 74% 69% 15% 5% Above National Avg
Maths 86% 71% 24% 15% Above National Avg
GPS 83% 72% 26% 11% Above National Avg
Combined 70% 59% 7% 11% Above National Avg
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school

  • The head of school’s passion and high expectations have been central to the rapid improvement of the school. He has steered the school through a difficult period of staffing turbulence with great professionalism.
  • The governing body provides appropriate challenge for school leaders. Governors know that there are further improvements to outcomes that need to be made.
  • Since September 2018, outcomes have risen. The vast majority of current pupils now make strong progress from their starting points in reading, writing and mathematics.
  • There is a strong safeguarding culture at the school. The effective pastoral support at the school means that pupils behave well and feel safe. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe.
  • Disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make strong progress from their individual starting points.
  • The physical education (PE) and sport premium funding is effectively spent. Pupils receive a broad range of sporting opportunities, both within lessons and at the start and end of the school day. As a result, pupils compete often in a wide range of regional finals.
  • Parents and carers are overwhelmingly supportive of leaders. They also speak very highly of teachers and other staff.
  • Leaders ensure that the promotion of equality, is a thread which weaves through all aspects of school life.
  • Children in the early years get off to a flying start on their learning journey. As a result, they are well prepared for the next stage of their education.
  • The quality of teaching is good. Teachers have been supported well by leaders to improve their practice. As a result, pupils’ outcomes are improving strongly. Nevertheless, strong teaching is not consistent across all year groups.
  • In the past, too few pupils in key stage 2 attained as well as they should in reading, writing and mathematics. 
  • Pupils experience a broad curriculum. Most pupils make good progress in a variety of subjects. However, in some year groups, pupils do not have enough opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding.
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