Montgomery Primary School Exeter
Email  Telephone 01392 285240

Parent Groups & Activities

  • Baby & Toddler Group

    We have been really pleased with the return of our baby and toddler group. We have a regular group of little ones and their families attending and it is wonderful to welcome you all.  Come and join us for a ‘Stay and Play’ session for pre-school children, from birth to 4 years old. It is a very lovely, friendly and welcoming group. 

    The session is an opportunity for parents/carers and their child to play and learn together, as well as finding out more about what we offer as a nursery and a school. There will be access to the indoor and outdoor environment and there will be opportunities to enjoy time together, make new friends and to meet members of the EYFS team too. 

    We will run every THURSDAY morning, during term time only.

    Refreshments are available at each session; the cost is £2 per family. As a sustainable school, you are welcome to bring your own travel mug if preferred.

    Maximum 15 families per session.

    Please ask if you would like further information or feel free to tell your family and friends about the session, thanks!

  • Friends Of Montgomery School

     You may be aware of our schools FOMS group. This group is made up of parents from many different year groups across the school. FOMS are an active group of parents that support the school in many different ways and are vital to some of the experiences and memories your children have at primary school. 

    It is so important for the school to have this really positive involvement from our parents and all of the support that they provide to the school. There is a core committee group of the FOMS as well as many people who are there to support the committee in the background, organising of events and various other roles. As children go through the school and move on to their new schools, people's lives get busier and circumstances change, we lose some of our active supporters. All of the events that take place rely on the support of many. Many hands make light work is absolutely true. We are looking for new members to join the already hard working team that support the school and our children. Any bit of support is gratefully received and appreciated. The group are a very social and friendly group and welcome new members to come along and join them. 

    The FOMS provide the school with opportunities that otherwise would mean a substantial strain on the school or our families. Our year 6 children always do a speech as part of their leavers assembly and the fairs, discos and FOMS events are always at the fore front of their memories. These are experiences that enrich your children's experiences at school at the same time as raising vital funding to enhance our school and your children's learning. FOMS provide every year group with money to support with the costs of trips each year. This enables us to keep the cost for families to a minimum. FOMS support school by providing materials and equipment of the highest quality to enhance the curriculum and learning further. Due to FOMs and the funds they have raised over many years, we have been able to buy new playground equipment, IPads, quality sketch books, the memorial garden and much much more. We are so lucky as a school to have this level of support and it is essential we do all we can to help and support FOMS going forward. These successful events and the raising of funds is only possible because of those people that volunteer and give their support to FOMS. As a school we can not thank past and present members enough and we strongly encourage and ask for many more of you to join the FOMS. 

    FOMs have meetings where there is an opportunity to meet new people and support the school at the same time. 

    If you can’t wait until the next in person even then you can always join our school lottery.  It’s £1 a ticket and the more people who play the bigger the prize fund. 40% of the money we raise comes back to school. Click here to find out more

  • Free Online Learning - Atom Home

    Atom Home

    Free KS2 learning support 

    We work in partnership with Atom Learning, the leading online Key Stage 2 learning and 11+ preparation platform, to provide Years 3 - 6 students who are eligible for Pupil Premium with free Atom Home accounts. Atom Home can also be purchased by parents to support children at home. 

    Atom Home allows children to access KS2 learning resources, they'll be able to build exam technique, subject mastery and confidence. 

    If your child is between 7 - 11 and has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years (please check with the school office if you are not sure), please fill in the form by clicking the button below. 

    <<Access free KS2 learning>>

    For other families, there is a five-day free trial of Atom available:

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