Montgomery Primary School Exeter
Email  Telephone 01392 285240

Information for prospective parents

Thank you for considering Montgomery as a school for your child.

Whether you are considering us for a reception place in September or are looking to move your child from their existing school, we hope that this page will give you some valuable information to help you make your choice.

General information

A family. A community. When asking anyone associated with Montgomery how they would describe us, be it pupils, parents, staff or governors, these are the phrases most likely to be used. It is this sense of belonging, our togetherness, that is our greatest strength. Of course, the education of all our pupils is our priority but we believe that a school should in itself be much more than that, it is also there for the community it serves.

Montgomery is situated in the St Thomas area of Exeter, just off Cowick Street, one of the main arteries into the city centre. We are lucky to possess a substantial site with a playground, large field, tennis court, two adventure trails and a school garden. Many of our first time visitors comment that they cannot believe how big our plot is! The building is relatively new having been built in 2011 and we are A Zero Carbon, Passivhaus school the first of its kind in Europe. 

The school has no need for central heating. The construction of the concrete building with its high insulation, air tightness and triple glazing mean the warmth from the occupants’ bodies warm the classrooms. Classrooms are large and spacious and we are fortunate to also have a large hall which is used for assemblies, PE lessons, lunchtimes or for group workshops.

Montgomery is a local authority school. The school was judged as "Good' in all areas by Ofsted in June 2019. A feature of the inspection was the extremely positive views of pupils, parents and staff alike as well as highlighting the rapid improvements of the last few years.

Our planned admission number is 60 per year group. We also have a nursery which takes from 2 years and up. Virtually all of these children transfer into reception once they are eligible.

Classes arranged into two parallel, single age classes. Teachers plan closely together to ensure good outcomes and exciting experiences for all of our children. The school also employs a dedicated safeguarding officer to ensure that our children's safety remains the highest priority.

The Senior Leadership Team is comprised of the headteacher who runs the school day-to-day and assistant headteachers.

Staffing at the school remains stable, with many of our teachers having now been at the school for several years meaning they understand the school's context, have built up good relationships with our families and ensure continuity for the systems within the school. It is a telling feature of Monty that our staff really enjoy working here!


The school offers a broad curriculum for all to ensure that all our children leave Montgomery with the confidence, skills and knowledge that they need for the next stage of the education. While children sit the normal statutory assessments at key points, we are resolutely committed to ensuring that we offer a balanced curriculum and that our children are more than just a number or statistic.

We have devised a new whole school curriculum. Our children will be citizens in the year 2100 and our curriculum ensures that children have the knowledge and skills to go out into the wider world and be part of the next generation to improve the planet they inhabit. This is underpinned by the school strapline ‘Taking care of the future’. More information about our curriculum can be found here:

As a local authority school, Montgomery follows the National Curriculum covering English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, RE, Music, Computing, Modern Foreign Languages (spanish), PE, Art, Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and Design & Technology.

Reading is a priority from a child beginning at Montgomery. Reception children are issued with a parent pack to aid help for phonics at home. We use the Read Write Inc scheme to teach phonics and early reading. For older children, the school runs the programme Accelerated Reader. Children read books based on their performances in online quizzes and their scores are tracked with certificates given out in assembly each week, including some for children who have read over a million words!

The school has particular strength in PE, having two specialist PE teachers who deliver the subject across the school. The school won Gold in the Sainsbury's School Games for the amount of sport played both in school and inter-school events.

A highlight of our school year is our Christmas productions. At Montgomery, we believe that this is not a 'bolt on' to the curriculum but an integral part of it. Children have the opportunity to sing, dance and act and sometimes discover new talents they didn't realise existed!

These are always incredibly well attended by our parents and families. 

We also ensure that we cover various topics/themes as they arise such as European Languages Day, Mental Health Day,  Anti-Bullying Week in November or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) week in January.

We offer music lessons and many of our children are involved in the Rock Steady programme where groups of children form a rock band and learn to play guitar, keyboard, drums or vocals. The band then perform their chosen song in an end of term assembly and performance to parents. Glastonbury, eat your heart out!

Trips and experiences are integral to our school. The school owns 2 minibuses which are paid for from the money generated by the solar panels on its roof. This means we are able to organise trips cheaply and easily to wherever we want to go! This year we have been to Paignton Zoo, Plymouth Aquarium, Kents Cavern, The Eden Project and many more! We also run a residential  trip in Year 6 to Charter House near The Mendips. No two weeks at Monty are ever the same!!

The School Day

The daily timetable is as follows:

8.40-Doors open

8.45 Doors close, school day starts

1 hour in the middle of the day for lunch.

3.15 End of school day

A breakfast club (starting at 7.45) and after-school club (finishing at 6pm)  is also available. This is run by FISH, more details of which can be found here:

EYFS and Key Stage 1 are dropped off and picked up directly at their external classroom doors which is overseen by a teacher or a member of support staff. Key Stage 2 enter the school through a single door as these classrooms are based on the first floor. A member of staff is based on this door each morning to allow parents to pass messages on to their child's teacher. Key Stage 2 are then escorted out at the end of the day by their class teacher for parents to collect and to meet with staff.

The school also runs a variety of extra-curricular clubs which change according to the time of year. Parents are notified of these on a termly basis.

High attendance has clear links to academic achievement and the school expects children to both attend well and be punctual each day. In the event of illness, we ask that parents telephone the school office (answer phone service out of hours) or email

Lunchtimes for Reception to Year 6 are held in our school hall. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are automatically entitled to a free hot meal. Children may bring a packed lunch as an alternative. For our annual Christmas lunch, all the staff dress up as elves for the day and serve the children!


Parents play a pivotal role in their time at Monty and relationships between school and home are extremely important. We are proud that so many of our parents speak highly of the school and we believe strongly that our school is one huge family.

Our ‘Open Door’ policy ensures that there is always one of our team available to answer any questions or solve any problems that may develop. Any concerns should be raised with the school as early as possible so that we can work together to solve any issues.

The school has evolved its communications in the last few years to strengthen the dialogue with parents.

The whole school use a programme called SeeSaw so that parents can see what their child has been up to recently as well as post comments.

We hold two formal parents evenings a year. One in the autumn term in October/November and a second in the spring term in March. In the summer term, we send home annual written reports and then hold an open evening where parents can discuss their child's report. We also hold introduction to the new year meetings with useful information for the year ahead.

Regular emails and texts are also sent out to keep parents informed to changes or just those all important last minute reminders! A whole school newsletter is published fortnightly, copies can also be found on the website:

There is also an active Facebook page which we use to share pieces of information, urgent messages, videos etc:

Please note that queries around the school should be directed to the school office, as our social media channels are not always monitored.

All children from the earliest ages are expected to read at home and parents to support this. If you would like support with how best to do this, please contact your child's class teacher. Other homework takes place through Times Table Rockstars, class projects or other specific subject led homework. 

We have a fantastic parental fundraising arm of the school known as FOMS (Friends Of Montgomery School). Each year they raise thousands of pounds which goes back to enhance the children's time at Monty. Examples of the use of their fundraising are:


  • Subsidising the cost of class trips/residentials
  • Replacement of a class set of iPads 
  • Music equipment
  • Class specific projects
  • Sketch books


 FOMS hold an event for new members each year and any help, big or small, is welcome. FOMS organise various events throughout the year such as a fireworks display, Christmas raffle, cake sales and the Summer Fair. These events are incredibly well supported by our parents and help to benefit all of our children. They also a fantastic occasions where our school family comes together!

School Uniform

Looking smart and wearing school uniform is an important part of being part of our school. It is expected that all pupils consistently adhere to these uniform requirements:


  • Black or Grey trousers / skirt/ dress or shorts 
  • White/Purple polo shirt 
  • Purple ‘Montgomery’ fleece or jumper 
  • Black, flat, sturdy school shoes
  • Waterproof coat, with a hood 
  • Long hair, below the shoulder, must be neatly tied back 
  • Jewellery must be kept to a minimum, with the acceptance of only small stud earrings 
  • Make-up and false nails should not be worn 

To avoid loss of clothing, please ensure all uniform and PE kit is named clearly, so that it can be returned promptly. Any lost property that is not claimed will be placed in the foyer, for parents and pupils to check for missing items.  

PE Kit:


  • White t-shirt/ purple t shirt
  • Black/grey/navy shorts, skort, plain leggings or tracksuit bottoms
  • Trainers or plimsolls


Early Years Foundation Stage

The school has integrated a nursery unit which has the main learning environment, toilet and kitchen area and a dining space.

We have 2 reception classes that have their own learning space within one very large teaching and learning environment.

Our EYFS unit has a dedicated outdoor space and forest school area which allows our children to explore the great outdoors in a safe environment. Nearly all of our nursery children transfer to our reception with the rest coming from multiple nurseries across the city with whom we liaise with closely. We invite children in for stay and play sessions before the end of the summer term so that children can get to meet their new class teacher.

Children are given a dedicated class teacher although the expectation is that all staff who work within the unit will get to know your child. The environment is set up to allow children to learn and play independently, with topics or themes often drawn from the children's interests. 

Parents can monitor the child's learning through Seesaw which they can download and keep at the end of the year.

Before going into Year 1, the two reception classes are mixed to ensure that the classes going into the next year 1 are as balanced in terms of academic ability and other needs as much as possible. 

There is a parents and toddler group which runs on a Thursday morning. This is open to all; children from other settings are welcome to attend.  

But that's not all...

This is just a taster of what we have to offer as a school for your child. However, nothing beats a tour!

We encourage prospective parents to visit our school and are always happy show you around, please contact email the office or telephone (01392) 285240 to arrange a convenient time.

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