In English, year 4 have been researching endangered animals ready to write non-chronological reports. We decided that there was no better way to find out about animals than to see some, so on Wednesday, year 4 piled into the minibuses and drove down to Paignton Zoo.
The main reason for our visit was a workshop centred around endangered animals and conservation. We found out about why certain animals are threatened in the wild and what the zoo does to protect certain animals and their habitats. A lot of us knew how hunting can cause animals to become endangered but we also found out about how habitat destruction and pet trade plays a part in this. We were able to see animal skins and elephant tusks which the zoo looks after (the elephant task was worth a lot of money – more than some houses!)
Alongside the workshop, we managed to have a look around the zoo and see animals such as monkeys, lions, tigers, reptiles and crocodiles, to name a few! The sun even came out and the rain stayed away for us! The children were engaged, inquisitive Monty role models throughout the day and represented our school fantastically.
Pictures to follow!
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