Please ensure that children have had lunch and been to the toilet before they arrive
1.30-2.00 pm Children arrive, are given space to leave coats etc. and are allocated space in the performing area.
2.15 pm Rehearsals begin with opportunities for schools to rehearse their individual items as well as the songs involving everyone. Procedures for getting “on and off” stage will also be rehearsed.
4.00 pm Rehearsal ends and break. (Children may wish to bring some refreshments.)
4.20 pm All performers to get into position “offstage”.
4.30 pm Concert. This will last approx. 50 minutes so children should be free to go around 5.30pm.
No tickets are required as there is no charge for entry although there will be a retiring collection with proceeds towards the Outreach Project funds.
The children should come dressed in their school uniform.
Although the children will be fully occupied for most of the afternoon, they remain the responsibility of their school staff at all times.
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