In Year 3, homework is handed out every Friday, and needs to be handed back in the following Thursday. Each child is given five words from the Year 3 National Curriculum and a set of times tables to practise each week. This week's words are below. Once your child has practised their spellings, they need to put the words in a sentence using the lines at the bottom of their spelling sheet.
For example - I got to the address
and rang the doorbell but there was no answer.
Over the course of this week, we have been testing the children on their Year 1 and Year 2 common misconception words. We have noted that many of the children have got gaps in these spellings. To support your child and aid their learning of these words, we have given them a spelling sheet. You can see from the picture below, that the words that have been highlighted are the words that they can spell correctly, the other words are what they will need to learn. They do not need to bring this sheet in each week as they are to be practised at home in preparation for retesting closer to half term.
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