Dear Parents, Carers and Staff,
I am sure you will have heard the Prime Minister’s address on Sunday 10th May in which he stated that:
“At the earliest by June 1 – after half term – we believe we may be in a position to begin the phased reopening of shops and to get primary pupils back into schools, in stages, beginning with reception, Year 1 and Year 6. Our ambition is that secondary pupils facing exams next year will get at least some time with their teachers before the holidays.”
All schools across the country, heard this news for the first time on Sunday and we have now received more detailed guidance from the government. We are currently working our way through this and planning how we can be ready to open the school to the year groups identified, in a safe way.
We will continue to offer day care places for vulnerable children and those of key workers, but we understand that many other parents will want to know more about when their children will return to school, reviewing this as the guidance changes. In preparation for this measured reopening, governors have decided that the federation schools will be closed to all children for the scheduled half term week, 25th May - 28th May, reopening to the specified year groups, as well as for vulnerable children and those of key workers on the 1st June.
Government advice today clarifies that nursery age children will also be included in this reopening, noting:
“ We know that, unlike older children and adults, early years and primary age children cannot be expected to remain 2 metres apart from each other and staff."
"It is still important to reduce contact between people as much as possible, and we can achieve that and reduce transmission risk by ensuring children, young people and staff where possible, only mix in a small, consistent group and that small group stays away from other people and groups."
These challenges are being carefully considered as we plan our gradual reopening schedule. We aim to be able to offer some time in school to the specified year groups each week, to continue online learning activities while maintaining the support to our vulnerable children and those of key workers also. We are also planning to enable the roll out of these openings to all year groups eventually, in line with the governments aspirations. Staff will be contacted regarding their return to work later in the week and once we have confirmed arrangements we will let you know our full plans early next week.
In the meantime, it would be appreciated if parents could avoid contacting school directly.
I would like to thank you for all your support, understanding, patience and efforts in supporting us so far.
Yours sincerely,
Martyn Boxall
Executive Headteacher