We would like congratulate the children on a successful first day in year 3. They all managed to find their way up the stairs and into their correct classes, promptly and quietly.
The main focus for this week is to settle the children into their new environment and to set up the routines and expectations for the year. Today, we have spent some time discussing class rules, what a Montgomery role model looks like and setting personal targets for the year.
Miss Gowing, Mr Gill and the year 3 teaching team look forward to getting to know all of the children over the course of this week.
A few house keeping notes that have arose during the day:
- Water bottles must contain only water and not fruit juices.
- Snacks must be a healthy option and packed into their school bag (the bag that comes into the classroom).
- Please can you label school uniform clearly and in a permanent marker.
- PE kit needs to be in school on Wednesday and Thursday each week.
Many thanks,
Miss Gowing and Mr Gill
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