Montgomery Primary School Exeter
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Year 1 Remote Learning

Year 1 Remote Learning

Maths – Place Value

Using a 100 Square practise:
  • Counting forwards and backwards to 100. In the Autumn term children should be able to confidently count forwards and backwards to 20 and then gradually build up to 50. Choose different numbers to count from e.g. starting at 32 and counting on to 42 or starting at 29 and counting back to 19.  
  • Find 1 more or 1 less than different numbers to 50.
  • Count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Children should understand that they start on the number they are counting in and add the same number each time e.g. for 2’s you start on 2 and keep adding 2 each time. If you have a blank 100 square you can colour the numbers in as you go. Practise writing and reciting the number sequences.

Example of counting in 2’s on a 100 square:

2, 4, 6, 8, 10 …

English – Writing Sentences

Using your phonic sounds and key word spellings practise writing simple sentences using a story or a picture as a prompt. In your sentence make sure you include;

  • Capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • The word ‘and’ to join ideas and conjunctions to add more detail.
  • Basic descriptive words (adjectives) to describe how an object looks or feels.
  • Time adverbs (first, then, next, after, finally) to describe when something happens.

Here are some examples for ‘The Gingerbread Man’:


The Gingerbread Man is brown and crunchy. He has colourful buttons and white icing. His cheeks are pink

Time adverbs:

First he ran away. Then he met a horse and a pig. Finally, he met a fox. 


The Gingerbread man was sad because the horse wanted to eat him. 

Seesaw will be updated regularly to inform you of the story we are using as a writing stimulus in class but you can choose any story or character to write about.

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