Montgomery Primary School Exeter
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Year 2 Remote Learning

Year 2 Remote Learning

Maths – Partitioning


/  \
50 6

78          56          65          86

89          12          70          136

Challenge - Partition this number in different ways-children can draw base ten to support this task. 


56                    56

/  \                   /  \

40 16             30  26

76          76          76          76

76          76          76          76

Writing - I can improve a basic sentence

the dragon set the castle on fire

Bronze-Full stop and capital letters, use adjectives to describe the dragon and castle.

Silver- all of bronze, include an expanded noun phrase ______,______

Gold- All of Bronze and Silver, use a conjunction (while, because, and, but, if) to extend the sentence.

Grammar Tasks


I can correctly use capital letters and revise the use of full stops and expanded noun phrases in my writing

1. SoPhie opEned tHe_______________ dooR oPened anD saW a_______________________________________tIger





2. after soPhie’s mOTher sAt at the______________________table wiTh a_______________________________teacup







3. nExt sOpHie gave the tiger________________________________cakEs aNd________________________________tEa 









4. then tHe_________________________________tIgEr got hold oF the_____________________poTs aNd pAns to lIck   









5. fOllowIng tHis tHe tiger left a____________________________mEss and sOphie tOok a_____________________batH. 







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