Montgomery Primary School Exeter
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Year 4 Remote Learning

Year 4 Remote Learning

Please don’t feel that all of the activities on this sheet must be completed. We just wanted to supply you with some learning activities to support you and your child at home for their first day of absence.


Using the link above, you will be welcomed into an alien world! You’ll find lots of fun things to work through that will help you with your writing skills and build on the work that we do at school. 

Within the booklet there are a range of different activities to enjoy. There are plenty of explanations and examples of writing to support you to complete each activity. 

Try out your grammar skills by watching and completing the activities on the website page below: 



The Oak Academy website has 5 lessons about telling the time. The first lesson begins with reading analogue and digital 12 hour clocks. Select the lesson that you’d like to begin with and follow the video and activities.   


Continue to complete tasks on Mathletics and practise your multiplication tables on TT Rock Stars.


There are plenty of games that you could also try playing on:


Continue to read your own books and discuss these with people at home.

Log in to your myON account. Most of the e-books have quizzes that you can take just like AR.

Any problems, contact:

Topic: PSHE- Healthy living

Find out why a healthy lifestyle is important. Watch the clip and complete the activities on the web link below:

The link below will give you a comic strip activity about ‘swapping the sugar’ to complete: 

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