Visit Pobble365, select a picture of your choice and complete the writing tasks attached.
Log in and practise your spellings and grammar on ‘Learn with Emile’.
Continue to practise this week’s spelling homework.
The national academy has a range of maths lessons you can access. You may want to select a topic you want to work on or follow through this week’s lessons.
Continue to complete assigned tasks on Mathletics and practise your multiplication tables on TT Rock Stars.
Continue to read your own books and discuss these with people at home.
Log in to your myON accounts to continue reading and quizzing on books.
Reading Comprehension Task:
The booklet below has 5 different text types with questions and answers.
Joe Wicks daily PE lessons – search ‘The Body Coach’ on Youtube.
Try out one of the PE lessons created by #ThisIsPE.
Go Noodle movement and mindfulness
Oak National Academy
Oak National Academy has created video lessons and curricular resources that are free and available to use. There are 3 hours of lessons each day: Maths, English and a foundation subject as well as previous resources saved for you to access for each year group.
Please remember, if you need any help with the home learning or want to share what you have been doing then you can contact us and post learning via SeeSaw.
Use BBC Bitesize to research and produce an information booklet or poster about a topic of your choice
Your child can continue to practise Spanish or another language of their choice.
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