Year 5 learning
Every child needs to try and earn 150 points over the week, every activity earns a different amount of points. You can choose what activities you do to gain your points.
Our topic in class is World War 2 , all children will have an understanding of WW2. Your learning at home could link to this.
5 points |
10 points |
20 points |
50 points |
20 minutes on TTRockstars |
Create a piece of artwork linking to the Blitz, pinterest has a lot of ideas on this. |
Make your own project, can be anything to do with WW2. Do you want to find out more about the Blitz, D-Day, being an Evacuee. |
Create their own Anderson shelter, they have all made a plan of a design. It could be out of cardboard, straws, clay. |
20 minutes on Emile |
Practice times tables for 20 minutes. Try and include division facts too. |
Write a diary entry from the viewpoint of an evacuee. |
Find 5 items around the house, label the materials they are made from and what the properties are. Eg: flexible, waterproof, absorbent. |
20 minutes on Languagenut (Spanish) |
Create your own word search, could include words linked to WW2. |
Film/book review, write a review of the last film you watched or book you’ve read. |
Write a descriptive story, including the grammatical features we have focused on in year 5. (speech, expanded noun phrase, relative clauses, parenthesis, sentence starters). |
20 minutes on Mathletics |
Create a fact file about a famous scientist (eg: Einstein, Marie Curie). |
Make a circuit in your garden, of 5 different activities for a minute each (eg: star jumps, sprints) and complete it 5 times. |
30 minutes of reading a book. |
Other useful websites:
1.Pobble365, have a picture for everyday of the year, children could use the picture to either inspire a story or create a piece of art.
2.BBC Bitesize, has a wide variety of sources they can be interactive with videos and games.
3.Twinkl LTD, have home learning packs you can complete.
4.Scratch, computer coding.
5.National Geographic Kids, activities and quizzes.
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